Outside China
Please deposit USD78 dollars (equivalent to about RMB500 yuan), with note: “International Student Application Fee” to the following bank account. This bank account accepts only US dollars.
Beneficiary’s Bank: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Fujian Branch (SWIFT BIC: ICBKCNBJFJN)
Name: Fuzhou University
Address: 523 Gongye Road, Fuzhou, Fujian, P.R.CHINA
Account Number: 1402029109341002562
In China
Please deposit RMB500 yuan, with note: “International Student Application Fee” or in Chinese: “留学生报名费” to the following bank account. This bank account accepts only RMB yuan.
银行名: 福州市工行凤凰支行
账户名: 福州大学
账户号: 1402013409008800551